India Prabhat Kabar created a special identity even among non-Hindi speaking readers, Banga Samaj said – a charioteer of our culture. ByRaj Kumar 08/08/202408/08/2024
India West Bengal ex- CM, CPM leader Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee passes away ByRaj Kumar 08/08/202408/08/2024
India Two students were crushed by an out-of-control truck in Chapra, one killed, another injured… Confusion among family members ByRaj Kumar 08/08/202408/08/2024
India 'It's not anti-Muslim…' JDU, Lalan Singh in Parliament with Waqf Bill – Transparency is essential… ByRaj Kumar 08/08/202408/08/2024
India 5 criminals have committed the robbery of Rs 20 lakhs at the Indian Bank branch in Dumka ByRaj Kumar 08/08/202408/08/2024
India Checkmate game in Vinesh controversy, will BJP do damage control or will the opposition get a booster dose? ByRaj Kumar 08/08/202408/08/2024
India Checkmate game in Vinesh controversy, will BJP do damage control or will the opposition get a booster dose? ByRaj Kumar 08/08/202408/08/2024
India Buddhadev Bhattacharjee dies: Bhattacharya, known as 'Badralok' in Bengali, will be remembered for the downfall of 34 years of Left rule. ByRaj Kumar 08/08/202408/08/2024
India Congress will keep an eye on its MPs and create a report card on their performance in Parliament ByRaj Kumar 08/08/202408/08/2024