India The story of the plane hijacked 40 years ago, Foreign Minister Jaishankar's father was also on board. ByRaj Kumar 14/09/202414/09/2024
India Bihar land survey: Congress MP has written to Chief Minister Nitish seeking postponement of land survey ByRaj Kumar 14/09/202414/09/2024
India Environmental Warrior Lifetime Achievement Award for Deepak Sharma, 5 other officials honored for exposing Bellary mining scam. ByRaj Kumar 14/09/202414/09/2024
India Blast in Kolkata: Blast in Kolkata, woman injured, bomb disposal squad deployed at the scene ByRaj Kumar 14/09/202414/09/2024
India A car entered the subway despite its waterlogged passage; HDFC Bank Manager and Cashier drowned ByRaj Kumar 14/09/202414/09/2024
India It is called Gnanavabi Masjid, but it is actually 'Vishwanath', the great statement of Chief Yogi ByRaj Kumar 14/09/202414/09/2024
India Haryana Election 2024: Congress appoints Ashok Khelat, Ajay Makan and Pratap Bajwa as observers. ByRaj Kumar 14/09/202414/09/2024
India Amit Shah News: Modi government is increasing exports to ensure fair prices for farmers: Amit Shah ByRaj Kumar 14/09/202414/09/2024