Why is it important to cover the head during puja? Know religious and scientific reasons

Covered Head During Worship: Covering the head during worship and at religious places is an ancient tradition, which has been followed for centuries. Be it a temple, mosque or Gurudwara, the importance of the tradition of covering the head is seen in every religion. Grandmothers also often advise to cover the head during puja. This is not just a religious tradition, but there are deep religious and scientific reasons behind it. Let us know why it is important to cover the head during puja.
Religious view – symbol of respect and purity
Let us tell you that covering the head is considered a symbol of respect and purity from the religious point of view. When a person performs puja or religious ritual, he shows respect to God by covering his head.

Respect and honor: Covering your head at religious places shows that you are respecting that place and the divinity present there.
Concentration: Covering the head keeps the mind calm and helps in concentrating during the puja.
Purity: If the head remains uncovered, hair may fall, causing the puja material to become impure.

Scientific Reasons – Health and Safety
Apart from religious beliefs, head covering also has many scientific benefits.
Protection from electrical waves: According to science, celestial electrical waves can enter the body through an open head, causing problems like headache, eye irritation and stress. Covering the head reduces this effect.
Magnetic force and disease: Hair has natural magnetic force, which can attract dust and harmful germs. Covering the head reduces this effect and prevents diseases.
Why do grandmothers advise to cover the head?
Apart from this, let us tell you that the words of grandmothers are based on experience and knowledge. Their advice on head covering is a mix of age-old traditions and scientific facts. Covering the head not only provides religious benefits, but it is also important in terms of health and safety.
However, the tradition of covering the head during worship is not limited to religious belief only, but there are deep scientific reasons behind it too. It is an important tradition associated with respect, purity and health. Next time you worship, adopt this important tradition of covering your head.
(Disclaimer:The information given here is based on general beliefs and information. It is important to mention here that we do not confirm any information.)

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