A person starts seeing these things one hour before death, know what is written in Garuda Purana?

Garuda Purana: Garuda Purana, one of the eighteen Mahapuranas of Hinduism, provides unique information on death and its associated mysteries. In this book, it has been told how is the journey of the soul after death, what tortures it has to face and what results a person gets according to his deeds. There is also mention in Garuda Purana about what happens to a person before he dies and what events happen around him.
The experience at the time of death reflects the karma of a person's life and its effects. According to Garuda Purana, just before death a person sees many amazing scenes, which is a mysterious subject for both science and spirituality.
One gets vision of ancestors before death
According to Garuda Purana, when a person is taking his last breath, he sees his ancestors. It seems as if the ancestors are calling him to themselves. This feeling indicates that the person is close to death.
The deeds and events of life come before us
It is told in Garuda Purana that some time before death, a person starts clearly seeing the deeds of his life and the events related to them. In these last moments, a person evaluates his own actions and understands in which direction the scale of his virtues and sins is tilted.
mysterious doors appear
It is mentioned in Garuda Purana that at the time of death a mysterious door appears to the person. Some people see rays of bright white light from this door, while others see flames. This scene is considered a symbol of a person's deeds.
Yamdoot's feeling
In the last moments of life, a person experiences Yamadoots, who come to take the soul with them. When this feeling occurs, it indicates that the person's breaths have stopped counting.
Disclaimer: This article is based on religious beliefs, JBT does not confirm it.

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