Banking: Be careful while using a check book, otherwise loss may occur

Banking: Cases of internet banking fraud, ATM cloning, ATM fraud are on the rise. In such a scenario, RBI to all government and private banks continue to advise customers to be cautious. Several cases of check book fraud have also come to light. Hence, taking care of check book security has become important now. It is important to keep your check book safe, even if you always have your check book with you, remember that it should be kept in a safe place. If possible, keep your checkbook in a locker. Count the checks inside the check book. If you find any discrepancies, contact the bank immediately. While filling the cheque, sign certain things and do not keep the blank check or give the blank check to anyone. Always give a signed check with complete details. Before signing the cheque, always fill in the name, amount and date of the person to whom the check is payable and finally put your signature on the cheque. Cross your checks if necessary. This prevents misuse. Keep details of check issued: When giving a check to someone, make sure to enter the check number and the date of issue. Enter the details of the check issued on the registration slip. You can take a photo of the given check and keep it in your mobile. These precautions are also important: Avoid using a check with any change. If possible, issue a new cheque. If you cancel a cheque, tear off the MICR band and write CANCEL across the entire cheque. Do not write, sign, mark, pin, staple, paste, fold, etc. on the MICR band. Always use your own pen to write checks. Always create a line in any empty space. Don't sign in to multiple places unless you certify the change. The post Banking: Be careful while using a check book, otherwise you may face losses appeared first on Prabhat Khabar.

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