Geneva event highlights plight of minorities in Pakistan occupied Kashmir

The panellists included Professor Nicolas Levrat, Konstantin Bogdanos, Tsenge Tsering, Humphrey Hawksley and Sajjad Raja, at an event which saw Joseph Chongsi as moderator.

Bogdanos, a Greek politician, stressed the criticality of raising awareness among politicians and citizens worldwide about the challenges confronting minorities, even in geographically distant regions.

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He vehemently criticised Pakistan’s policies, particularly regarding minority treatment and the militarisation of the region, drawing parallels from his own experiences in Northern Cyprus and emphasising the necessity of collective action.

He pointed to the “deliberate suppression of political discourse in the region” which is “alarming”.

Tsenge Tsering, hailing from Gilgit-Baltistan, provided first-hand insights into the situation. Despite economic prosperity, the local populace grapples with poverty, inadequate infrastructure, and food security risks. Tsering decried the lack of constitutional rights and representation for the majority population in the territory.

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